1. Rainbows are seen when there is sun and rain (incipient or actual). That is why it is called a rainbow.
2. When I stand facing the rainbow, the sun is always behind me. I never see a rainbow on the same side of the sky as the sun.
3. The rainbow is a bow.
The next step is to look into my knowledge bank from the past and see what I already know that would be useful for me to explain the above facts. And I have to do this piece by piece. Now, I remember something about seeing dispersion, the breaking up of white light into its constituent colors when the light moves from one medium to another. Water glass held appropriately in bright sunlight, prisms I played with when I was young and so on. Yes? So, I begin my quest to understand a rainbow by quantifying this vague notion in my head [1].
Willebrord Snellius and the one and only Rene Descartes figured this out for us 400 years ago. They found that if a monochromatic (just jargon for one-color) light ray is incident on the interface between two media (say air and water), then light is refracted (jargon for “bent”) so that if the angle that the incoming ray makes with the interface is ui , then the outgoing ray comes out at an angle [4] ur = sin-1((n1/n2)sin(ui)), where n1 and n2 are properties of the two media in question called the refractive index of the material (again it is just a name, I could have called the property Karthik or Pradeep, but for the sake of conformity I call it by the name already given to it). Don’t worry about the formula if it looks complicated to you. Think of it as follows. If someone told you that they shined light at the interface of two media of given refractive indices, you can just tap some keys on your calculator and know where to put your eye or your camera so that you can see the refracted ray. So much for that. But how does this explain dispersion? The key is that the properties n1 and n2 depend not only on what the medium in question is (i.e., water, air glass etc) but also on the color of the light in question. Different colors will have different values of n1/n2. So even if they all come in at the same angle ui as in the case of sunlight, they will come out at different angles and hence I will be able to see all the different colors. So that is why I am able to see different colors in a rainbow, because there is air and water involved. As an aside also note that the above paragraph tells us that the fact that a straw in a water glass looks bent and the colors of the rainbow come from the same underlying physical equation! Cool isn’t it? This is another aspect of scientific methodology, i.e., link together as many apparently disparate facts as possible as arising from one underlying phenomenon.
Wait a minute, this cannot be right. What I said above cannot be the whole truth. Why is that? It is because of fact 2 above. The sun is on the opposite side of the rainbow. So I cannot possibly be seeing bent light, I must be seeing reflected light that bounced off something. So, what did I miss? What I missed is hidden in that messy formula in the previous paragraph. Recall that sine function takes values from -1 to 1. So if n1/n2 is bigger than 1, that equation can never be satisfied for all values of the angle of incidence. What is wrong here? Clearly I can shine light at whatever angle I wish, so placing a restriction on ui makes no sense. So, ask again, what did we do wrong? What we did wrong was to assume that there is always a refracted ray, i.e., a ray that goes into medium 2. What the “impossible to satisfy” equation above tells us is that beyond a particular angle all the light will be reflected back into medium 1 if n1/n2 is bigger than1. This phenomenon is called “total internal reflection”. If medium 1 is water and medium 2 is air in the earlier picture, then n1is bigger than n2 and light incident at large angles will be reflected back into the water. So, in the context of the rainbow what is happening is along the lines of the figure shown below. The light from the sun enters the raindrop, gets refracted at the front edge of the drop, travels through the drop, gets internally reflected at the back edge of the drop (i.e., the back edge of the drop is acting like a mirror) and then comes back out of the front edge again. And this is the light that you and I on earth see as the rainbow. So we have established that we need refraction and total internal reflection to account for the colors and the fact that the rainbow is on the opposite side to the sun with respect to the observer (jargon for you and me).
Still with me? Just hang on for a little bit more. We only have one fact remaining that we have yet to explain, the fact that the rainbow is indeed a bow. Again the answer lies in the discussion earlier. We just have to tease it out. Let us do this by first noting that the picture in the previous paragraph is clearly an oversimplification. What is really happening is more like this picture below. Light rays from the sun hit the drop and they are reflected and refracted at each interface. And you are standing in such a position that you get only one of a total of four outgoing rays from the drop. So the amount of light that is reaching you is a pretty small fraction of the light that fell on the drop. That is why we made such a big deal about the total internal reflection thing earlier, for it cuts out one of the outgoing rays and increases the intensity (brightness) of the one we get to see. Secondly the reflected light is diffuse. What does this mean? The sun is far enough away that all the light coming from the sun can be thought of as parallel rays. If the interface at hand was flat, then all the reflected/refracted rays will be in the same direction, yes? (Just generalize the picture in the first part of the discussion to many rays to see this). But our interface is a spherical water drop. So, even though the incoming light is all in the same direction, the outgoing light is going to be all over the place. And my eye is a pretty small hole in the scheme of things and I am only going to get a ray or so of the reflected light, not enough to see anything [2]. But I do see the rainbow. How?
This part is slightly more messy to state so bear with me. Let us revisit the picture in the paragraph on total internal reflection for a moment. Since the sun’s light is all parallel, the angle of incidence is going to change depending on where in the sphere the light hits. The angle at which the light comes out to the observer uf depends on the angle of incidence as uf =ui -ud where ud is called the angle of deviation (just another name). Now, clearly, by repeated application of Snell’s law, I can express this angle of deviation as a function of the angle of incidence right? The details are unimportant for us. So let us just say ud = f(ui) for some known f. In order that I see as much light as possible, I need that uf change as little as possible when ui changes, yes? Which is of course the same as saying ud or f must change as little as possible. Now, I remember from some calculus class I took ages ago that a function is “stationary”, i.e., changes as little as possible near the points at which it takes its minimum or maximum value. Do you remember this as well? So, I am most likely to see enough light to make out my rainbow when ud is a minimum (yo
u can easily convince yourself that you have to be on the moon or something to see the region when ud is a maximum). For a drop of rain water and for red light this turns out to be a position such that your eye is located at an angle of 42 degrees to the direction of sunlight (look at the picture to see what I mean). Now, I clearly cannot change where the sun is or where the water is. So I just see all those water drops that make this angle with my eye. And viola! It is a bow!
Phew! We are done. We succeeded in explaining all the things we set out to explain. But just to throw a wrench in the works let me point out why you should not be happy yet. I can think of a 100 reasons but let me state the first couple that come to my mind. In all of the above, I thought of light as a straight line (ray optics). But I remember somebody telling me light is made of photons, little blobs of energy. I even remember learning that light is a wave just like the wave I can make in a string by oscillating it. WTF? How is it a straight line, a blob and a wave? On a totally different front (a front on which I don’t know the answer), I “know” that I see VIBGYOR when I see a rainbow. Hey! But white light is a “continuous” mixture of wavelengths (colors). So what this VIBGYOR business must be telling me is the degree of resolution in the cones of my retina? On the same note, what is it in the processing of images in my brain that leads me to see rainbows around light bulbs when I am drunk or sleepy but not otherwise? That is scientific curiosity for you and there is more than enough stimulus for it from the world around us to keep me occupied for the rest of my days![3]
[1] You can do the simplest of things, go to wikipedia and read this and this.
[2] It is over and beyond my patience levels to make a picture illustrating this. So I recommend that you go and play with this Java applet to see for yourself that this is true.
[3] Apologies on the length of this post. I “cross my heart and hope to die” when I say my future posts will be way shorter!
[4] After I uploaded everything in blogger I see that it has made all my theta's into u's. So the u in the text corresponds to theta in the images.
I couldn't read past the halfway point :(
I'm very sorry.
I did stop by, though. I'll come back and finish reading it, I promise.
Hey Tangled, thanks for stopping by. And it is my fault you could not finish the post. I have a much nicer one that you are guaranteed to like in the works!:)
Light coming out of a prism for example is separated as VIBGYOR. And if we pass this VIBGYOR through another prism, they come out unchanged. How does this tell me that its the resolution of the cones in my retina? Even if we had finer resolution we wouldn't see any new colors within the visible wavelengths right?
Your drawings are pretty nice.
@anonymous: White light is a continuous superposition of light of all wavelengths ranging from 380-780 nm, but VIBGYOR is a discrete identification that in some sense is arbitrary. What I meant to say is that this discrete identification (i.e., the step size of the discreteness) is set by our visual color resolution more than anything else. For example, a spectrometer will not show you seven peaks if you pass white light through it ...will it?
In my early formative years, I used to wonder why ancient Westerners were so dumb in believing the Earth was flat when the clearest proof that it was otherwise was the bow of the rainbow! Time of course saw to it that it was I who lost my dumbness.
Why doesnt the bow complete to form the circle as the last diagram suggests? At least, why doesnt the bow extend all the way down before the ground or some other object prevents the completion of the circle?
Oh, I think in your quest to make the subject appeal to the layman, you are probably being a tad too apologetic in your explanation :) Didy up, and let loose the words.
@Machaan: The figure is actually rather misleading. You see an arc at 42 degrees to the antisolar point and you do see the bow all the way to an obstacle if there is moisture everywhere. But this is quite rare.
And yes, I will try and be less "apologetic" in the future! :))
i made my little brother read this, and he understood it so much better, thanks
BPO work from home
Rainbows is totally something incredible because because it's very interesting to know how colors are formed, that's exciting for me.
Like the song "Rainbows in the sun". I loved the song. According with the article, we don't understand the real physics ways yet. And the most important fact was the dispersion as you mentioned above.
I think Rainbows are the most amazing phenomenon of nature its very interesting the information that you wrote about the Rainbows
Nice information about rainbow.Really very nice observation.Thanks for posting this blog..
Excellent post, to be honest, I've been reading this blog since the first edition and I think you're doing an important contribution, specially if we're talking about scientific project, method can be defined as a systematic and orderly procedure or process for attaining some objective.
I think rainbows have something magic about them. They are just pretty and a sign for something positive. So I do not need the physical explanation.
Useful information ..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post.
I was interested know about it.
Rainbows are beautiful i love them, even that is nice how something that beautiful have a hard way to understand why and how this happen, i never wonder, because I'm not interested on this, but is interesting now, thanks.
This can't have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I consider.
It won't work in actual fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
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