Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Attention Concerned Scientists in IN, KY and OH

If you are a scientist in Kentucky, Indiana or Ohio and are concerned about the scientifically inaccurate materials at the Ken Ham's Creationist museum, please sign this.

Statement of Concern
We, the undersigned scientists at universities and colleges in Kentucky,
Ohio, and Indiana, are concerned about scientifically inaccurate materials at the Answers in Genesis museum. Students who accept this material as scientifically valid are unlikely to succeed in science courses at the college level. These students will need remedial instruction in the nature of science, as well as in the specific areas of science misrepresented by Answers in Genesis.

Via Pharyngula


Anonymous said...

Attention Concerned Students in IN, KY and OH

If you are a student in Kentucky, Indiana or Ohio and are concerned about the scientifically inaccurate blather directed at the Ken Ham's Creationist museum, please sign this.

Statement of Concern
We, the undersigned students at universities and colleges in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, are concerned about scientifically inaccurate dogmatic fundamentalism. We know that students who maintain an open mind and follow the scientific method are unlikely to succeed in science courses at the college level due to the hysterical paranoia we'll face from the scientific dogmatists. These students will need remedial instruction in the nature of science, as well as in the specific areas of science represented by Ken Ham's Creationist museum in order to re-align to and affirm the dogmatic Darwinist worldview! Praise Darwin!

George said...

It continues to amaze me how people are so uncomfortable with science and frail their theology is.

Sakshi said...

@Anon- "...Ken Ham's Museum in order to re-align and affirm the dogmatic Darwinist world view!"

@yaakov - Exactly. It is even more amazing that these people demand the best treatment in medicine get cured and praise the lord! Jeez!!

FSNB Online Banking said...

It's so depressing how much money is spent for the purpose of misinformation, when it could have gone to education instead.