The idea of image stitching is to take multiple images and to make a single image from them with an invisible seam and such that the mosaic pictures remains true to the individual images (in other words, does not change the lighting effects too much). This is different from just placing the images side by side because there will be differences in the lighting between the 2 images and that would lead to a prominent seam in the mosaic picture.
This Figure shows 3 photos and the locations of the seams are shown in black boxes on each picture and the final mosaic formed from all three pictures.
The first step is to find points that are equivalent in 2 overlapping pictures [1]. This can be done by taking into consideration a certain amount of pixels in the neighborhood of a pixel from 2 pictures and finding the regions that overlap in colors between the 2 pictures. Then the images are placed or warped on a surface such as a cylinder (because the panoramic picture is a 2-dimensional representation of the overlapping pictures in a cylinder quite often). After this step the curve is found that gives the most amount of overlap between the equivalent pixels on both images. Then the images are stitched together with color correction. I will deal in this post with the various algorithms for color correction.
This figure is an example of the Feathering approach.
1. Feathering (Alpha Blending): In this method, at the seams (the regions of overlap), the pixels of the blended image are given colors that are effectively linear combinations of the pixel colors of the 1st image and the 2nd image. The effect is to blur the differences of both images at the edges. In this method, an optimal window size is found so that the blurring is least visible.
This figure shows the optimal blend between the 2 figures in the previous figure.
2. Pyramid Blending: In addition to the pixel representation of images, images can also be stored as pyramids. This is a data compression method in which a the image is stored as a hierarchy or pyramid of low-pass filtered versions of the original image so that successive levels correspond to lower frequencies (dividing the images into different layers that vary over a smaller or larger region of space so that the sum of it gives you the original image). During the blending method described above, the lower frequencies (which vary over a larger distance) are blended over spatially larger distance and the higher frequencies are blended over a spatially lower distance [1] causing a more realistic blended image to be formed. Here during the pyramid forming process, the 2nd derivatives of the images (Laplacian) are taken into consideration while forming the pyramid and the blended pyramid is formed and reintegrated to form the final blended image.
This figure shows the pyramid representation of the pixels in an image and the pyramid blending approach.
3. Gradient Domain Blending: Instead of making a low resolution mapping of the image as above, the gradient domain blending method requires the calculation of the 1st derivative of the images. Hence, the image resolution is not reduced before the blending process, but the idea is the same as above. This method is also developed to find the optimal window size for alpha blending and is adaptive to regions that vary fast or slower.
This figure shows the gradient blend approach.
Wikipedia article on feathering.
All figures taken from
Hé Esscher . that does me well to see as a dutchguy .
almost forgotten here
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Starting with a view of our Milky Way galaxy, the orange gas in the animation represents the interstellar medium. The bow shock is created because the heliosphere is moving through like a boat through the water, crashing through the interstellar gases. The bow shock in front of the moving heliosphere is similar to the one observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Click for animation. Credit: NASA/Walt Feimer
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